Welcome to Texas Onsite....your one stop site for all items relating to wastewater treatment plants, industrial waste, or reclaimed water:
- Wastewater Treatment Plant, Onsite Sewage facility (aka septic ) - Design Process, Permits, information and more
- System Analysis
- Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Design, Construction, Operations
- Reclaimed Water Permits
- Industrial Waste Permits
- Water Balance
- Process Analysis
- Soil Profile Analysis
- OSSF Suitability Letter
- Wastewater Treament Plant and OSSF Design
- Wastewater and OSSF Engineering
- Wastewater Permit
- Industrial Waste Permit
- OSSF Permit
- Basic Development Permit
- High Strenght Waste
- EAPP permit - Edwards Aquifer Protection Plan
- Civil Engineering
- Hydraulic design
- Filtration design
- CZP plans - Contributing Zone Plan
- Facility use plan
- System Installation
- System Maintenance and Troubleshooting
- High Strength or High BOD wastewater
- Nitrogen reduction system and design
- System retrofits
- System troubleshooting
Let us help you with your current site needs, or your plans for your next project, regardless of size or location. We can do anything from a preliminary study of feasibility, to detailed design.
We are a Registered Professional Engineering Firm with the State of Texas (F-5636), and can help you solve any existing system problems you have, and design and/or build any swastewater system you need.
We perform wastewater treatment plant and commercial OSSF design engineering, soil profile analysis, Basic Development Permit, Edwards Aquifer Protection Plans and Permit, and civil engineering design work in Central Texas, including Travis County, Bastrop County, Hays County, Burnet County, Blanco County, Williamson County, Gillespie County, Bastrop County, Comal County, Bell County, Caldwell County, and many other counties in Texas. This includes Austin, San Marcos, Boerne, Fredersicksburg, Llano, Bulverde, Waco, Temple, Killeen, San Antonio, Kyle, Buda, Lockhart, Kerrville, Comfort, and more.
Please visit our contact pages, or Contact Texas Onsite - Septic and Engineering at [email protected], or call (five one two)-698-7676 today.
Commercial WWTP Construciton |
Please see the menu selection tabs, to the left.
For Civil Design and Permits, please see our discussion of services.
For Wastewater Solutions, we are talking about stand-alone wastewater treatment plants, or on-site sewage facilities, (also known as septic systems). Our site is divided into Residential and Commercial. Please make your selection, to the left, and view the selections available in the expanded menus.
By "Residential", we mean systems that are generally much smaller, for Residential waste strengths; that is, something you would need for your home, apartment building, resthome, etc. This includes septic systems, septic system design, septic system soil profile analysis, design and site evaluation, OSSF suitability analysis, septic system design, basic development permit, required soil analysis form, driveway permits, and all items related to either placing a new system for a new house on a lot, or replacing or repairing an existing septic system.
By "Commercial", we mean anything that is not an individual residential system, or HIGH STRENGTH waste. These systems either serve entire subdivisions, manufacturing facilities, retreat centers, church camps, hotels, motels, wineries, breweries, distilleries, restaurants, office comples, medical centers, equestrian centers, youth camps, Christian Camps, private schools, Christian Schools, office buildings, retail centers, marinas, " man camp ", remote meeting facility, school, church, commercial strip center, car wash, nail salon, banquet facility, and any use that is not residential.
Whatever your design or construction needs, you've come to the right place!
Still can't find what you're looking for, or perhaps don't really know what question to ask? Don't worry!!! Just send us an e-mail with your questions or needs, and we'll get back with you soon. Free Initial Consulation!!!
Fill in the form.
You can also e-mail us directly at our e-mail: [email protected]
We are a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
Member, Texas Onsite Wastewater Assocation.
Former Subcomittee Chair, Austin Water and Wastewater Commission.
Former Director, Texas Onsite Wastewater Assocation.
Registered Engineering Firm, Texas Board of Professional Engineers. F-5636
Registered Engineer, State of Texas.